I attended Hershey for the first time in October 2007, and saw my first A400 ‘in the metal’ when my friend Joop Plaggenborg rang me as I was about to enter the meet. I had always wanted an A400 and had seen Gerald Greenfields beautiful Aqua Green #738 for sale, and had optimistically enquired to see what it was like. I met Gerald at Hershey, and also Terry Deter who restored the car in 1989-90 for Bruce Bone from Fort Wayne, IA Bruce happened to be at Terry’s site when I visited, so I had a good chat to both. Gerald had purchased the car from Bruce in 2005 After Hershey, I was visiting New York, Washington DC, and Boston with my family, and caught up again with Joop for a day, and went for a ride in his magnificent blue A400, that he had just acquired. While in the US,I decided to fly to Seattle to at least look at Gerald’s A400, and see what condition it was in. Well I couldn’t believe how good it still was after being restored for 17 years, and decided soon after, I had to have it. Gerald was most helpful and encouraging, and really wanted me to have the car, so the day I returned to Australia in late October, after much contemplating, I emailed him to say I wanted it The car left LA in mid December and arrived in Melbourne 20 days later on Jan 5th, 2008 after I had it shipped in a container on it’s own. A fellow A400 Group owner in Australia, Alan Hale and myself, own two of the three restored examples ‘down under.’ Although my car has won the MAFCA Best of Show in 1990 and the MARC Henry Ford Award in 1991, I wanted to buy this car for Model A enthusiasts in Australia to see what a pretty model the A400 is, as well as view a beautifully restored and cared for car, that to me could not have looked much better when restored, now 18 years ago. For this, credit must go to Terry Deter the restorer, and previous owners Bruce and Gerald. I hope I can keep the car in the same condition for some time to come. I look at my car every day when home,and just absorb it