The 1931 Model A Ford
Convertible Sedan

What is the A400 Group?
The A400 Group is an association of admirers of the 1931 Model A Ford Convertible Sedan. The A400 club was formed in the mid-1950’s and was chartered as a MAFCA Chapter in 1974. The group is spread across the USA and several other countries around the world. The club functions are to publish a newsletter, maintain an A400 web site and to sponsor seminars at get-togethers at both MAFCA and MARC meets. Our focus is to:
- Collect and publish information on the A400.
- To maintain a roster of all known owners.
- To foster communication between A400 owners.
- To communicate to all of our international members we offer language conversion. Click icon in upper right.
The A400 story
(As published in the Nov/Dec 1966 issue of the Model “A” News). Download.
Member Benefits:
Members can enjoy the following benefits:
- Website: The A400 group’s current website benefits include access to.
- The current newsletter
- Historical documents
- Parts prints and sketches
- Ford archive photos
- Hard-to-find A400 parts
- Seminars: Seminars and educational programs at the MARC and MAFCA National Meets.
- Networking: This is always the most fun – networking with fellow A400 owners.
The group President is John Cammack (pronounced “Kam-ick”): Email jcammack@michaelandcammack.com – Ph. 209 464-9123.
Vice President:
Steve Houghtaling Email: smhoughtaling@gmail.com ph. 860-308-4869
Club Secretary and A400 Group roster keeper:
Joop (pronounced “Yope”) Plaggenborg, the group’s secretary, has assumed responsibility for keeping the A400 roster. Group members who have an A400, please contact Joop and provide him with contact information: Email: Ford400A@aol.com – Ph. 508 361-1185.
Steve Rogers is in charge of the Groups Marketing: Email Stever1931@aol.com – Ph. 708 525-4424.
Technical Support Committee
A400 Group members seeking technical information in regard to restoration or technical data interpretation, please contact the Technical Committee Coordinator, Tim O’Brien: Timothyobrien31@yahoo.com – (508) 431-6252. Additional Tech Committee support members include: John Hash: 31avicky@comcast.net – (253) 833-9364, and Bill Underwood: oldbluoval@gmail.com – (423) 886 4476.
Webpage Management:
Art and Information Director, Mike Shotwell, 805 890-5113; Tech Director, Pat Tyler.
Join Us – Application Form:
To become a member of the A400 Group, please download the membership application form from the link below, fill it out and mail with a check as instructed.
Download the application Form (PDF)
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